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1452 Av. Manuel Fernández Juncos, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00909

Lun – Sab : 10:00 – 19:00

Quiénes Somos

Somos una compañía 100% Puertorriqueña, comprometida con brindarte salúd por medio de productos de Cannabis Medicinal.

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Cannabis Medicinal

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Estamos orgullosos de seguir trabajando con muchas de las mismas personas que nos contrataron en nuestros inicios.

  • The convention thus allows countries to outlaw cannabis for all non-research purposes but lets nations choose to allow use for medical and scientific purposes if they believe total prohibition is not the most appropriate means of protecting health and welfare.

    John Smith
  • The convention thus allows countries to outlaw cannabis for all non-research purposes but lets nations choose to allow use for medical and scientific purposes if they believe total prohibition is not the most appropriate means of protecting health and welfare.

    Johnathan Ronan
  • The convention thus allows countries to outlaw cannabis for all non-research purposes but lets nations choose to allow use for medical and scientific purposes if they believe total prohibition is not the most appropriate means of protecting health and welfare.

    Sam Kiss
  • The convention thus allows countries to outlaw cannabis for all non-research purposes but lets nations choose to allow use for medical and scientific purposes if they believe total prohibition is not the most appropriate means of protecting health and welfare.

    Sarah Doe
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